Online 11 Plus (11+)
Exam Preparation and Admissions Support. Delivered Globally by the World’s Top Tutors.
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Tutor Spotlight
Our tutors have all studied at the the world's best universities, achieved top grades, and have extensive tutoring experience. We'll find the perfect tutor for you based on your requirements!

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Engaging Lessons with our Online Platform
Our online tutoring platform brings lessons to life, allowing students to draw diagrams, solve equations, edit essays, and annotate work. We deliver elite tutoring worldwide, matching students with the best tutors available.
Online tutoring made easy for you
How much homework is assigned by 11 plus tutors?
11+ tutors typically assign homework ranging from 20-30 minutes daily for focused practice, with additional comprehensive assignments on a weekly basis, tailored to the student's needs and exam preparation timeline.
What subjects are covered in 11+ tutoring at TutorChase?
TutorChase's 11+ tutoring covers all the subjects: English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning, aiming to prepare students for any type of questions they will encounter on the exam.
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