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How do environmental factors affect genetic diversity in populations?

Environmental factors can affect genetic diversity in populations in various ways.

One way is through natural selection, where certain traits become more advantageous in a particular environment, leading to an increase in the frequency of those traits in the population. This can result in a decrease in genetic diversity as certain alleles become more prevalent.

Another way is through genetic drift, which is the random fluctuation of allele frequencies in a population. Environmental factors such as natural disasters or habitat fragmentation can cause populations to become isolated, leading to genetic drift and a decrease in genetic diversity.

Human activities such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change can also have a significant impact on genetic diversity. These activities can alter the environment and disrupt natural selection, leading to a decrease in genetic diversity and potentially even extinction of certain species.

Conservation efforts such as habitat restoration and captive breeding programs can help to preserve genetic diversity in populations that have been impacted by environmental factors. It is important to understand the complex relationship between environmental factors and genetic diversity in order to effectively manage and conserve biodiversity.

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