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How do selection pressures function in evolution?

Selection pressures function in evolution by selecting for advantageous traits and promoting their inheritance.

Selection pressures are environmental factors that influence the survival and reproduction of individuals within a population. These pressures can be biotic, such as predation and competition, or abiotic, such as climate and resource availability. Individuals with traits that allow them to better survive and reproduce in their environment are more likely to pass on those traits to their offspring, leading to an increase in the frequency of those traits in the population over time.

Natural selection is the process by which selection pressures lead to evolution. It is the differential survival and reproduction of individuals with advantageous traits. Over time, this can lead to the development of new species, as populations diverge due to differences in selection pressures and genetic drift.

Selection pressures can also lead to adaptations, which are traits that increase an organism's fitness in its environment. For example, the long necks of giraffes are an adaptation to the competition for food in their environment. Individuals with longer necks were able to reach higher leaves and had a better chance of survival and reproduction, leading to the evolution of longer necks in the population.

Overall, selection pressures play a crucial role in shaping the evolution of species. By selecting for advantageous traits and promoting their inheritance, they drive the development of adaptations and the divergence of populations over time.

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