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How does the lymphatic system function to maintain fluid balance and fight infection?

The lymphatic system maintains fluid balance and fights infection through its network of vessels and lymphoid organs.

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and lymphoid organs that work together to maintain fluid balance and fight infection. The lymphatic vessels collect excess fluid and waste products from the tissues and transport them to the lymph nodes, where they are filtered and purified. The lymph nodes contain immune cells that help to identify and destroy any harmful pathogens that may be present in the lymphatic fluid.

In addition to the lymph nodes, the lymphatic system also includes other lymphoid organs such as the spleen, thymus, and tonsils. These organs produce and store immune cells that help to fight infection and protect the body from disease. The spleen, for example, filters the blood and removes old or damaged red blood cells, while the thymus produces T-cells that are essential for the immune response.

Overall, the lymphatic system plays a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance and fighting infection in the body. By removing excess fluid and waste products, and identifying and destroying harmful pathogens, the lymphatic system helps to keep the body healthy and functioning properly.

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