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What are the differences between freshwater and marine ecosystems?

Freshwater and marine ecosystems differ in their physical and chemical characteristics, biodiversity, and human impact.

Freshwater ecosystems include lakes, rivers, and wetlands, while marine ecosystems include oceans, coral reefs, and estuaries. The main difference between these two types of ecosystems is the salinity of the water. Freshwater ecosystems have a low salt concentration, while marine ecosystems have a high salt concentration.

The physical and chemical characteristics of freshwater and marine ecosystems also differ. Freshwater ecosystems have a lower pH and temperature than marine ecosystems. The amount of dissolved oxygen in freshwater is also higher than in marine ecosystems. Marine ecosystems have a higher concentration of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, than freshwater ecosystems.

Biodiversity is another key difference between freshwater and marine ecosystems. Freshwater ecosystems have a lower species diversity than marine ecosystems. However, freshwater ecosystems have a higher number of endemic species, which are found only in a specific geographic area. Marine ecosystems have a higher number of species overall, but fewer endemic species.

Finally, human impact on freshwater and marine ecosystems also differs. Freshwater ecosystems are more vulnerable to pollution from human activities such as agriculture and urbanization. Marine ecosystems are more vulnerable to overfishing, climate change, and ocean acidification.

In conclusion, freshwater and marine ecosystems differ in their physical and chemical characteristics, biodiversity, and human impact. Understanding these differences is important for conservation efforts and the management of these ecosystems.

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