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What is the difference between exponential and logistic growth?

Exponential growth is unlimited while logistic growth reaches a carrying capacity and levels off.

Exponential growth occurs when a population increases at a constant rate without any limiting factors. This means that the population size doubles in a fixed time period. Exponential growth is often seen in newly established populations or in populations that have been introduced to a new environment. However, exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely as resources become limited and competition for resources increases. For more details on how populations grow and change, see Population Dynamics.

Logistic growth, on the other hand, takes into account limiting factors such as food availability, predation, and disease. As the population grows, the availability of resources decreases, and the population growth rate slows down. Eventually, the population reaches a carrying capacity, which is the maximum number of individuals that the environment can support. At this point, the population growth rate levels off and the population size remains relatively stable. Understanding Population Definition and Growth helps explain this concept further.

A-Level Biology Tutor Summary: Exponential growth describes how populations can increase endlessly at a constant rate, often seen in new environments without resource limits. Logistic growth, however, includes the effects of limited resources, like food and space, causing population growth to slow and eventually stabilise at a carrying capacity. It's a more realistic model for populations in their natural environments. The interplay of these growth models is crucial in understanding Biodiversity and Natural Selection.

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