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What is the difference between microevolution and macroevolution?

Microevolution refers to small-scale genetic changes within a population, while macroevolution refers to large-scale evolutionary changes over long periods of time.

Microevolution involves changes in the frequency of alleles within a population, such as through natural selection, genetic drift or gene flow. These changes can lead to the evolution of new traits or adaptations within a species, but do not result in the formation of new species.

Macroevolution, on the other hand, involves the formation of new species and higher taxonomic groups through processes such as speciation, extinction and adaptive radiation. These changes occur over much longer periods of time and often involve major shifts in the environment or genetic makeup of a population.

While microevolution and macroevolution are distinct concepts, they are also interconnected. Microevolutionary changes can accumulate over time to result in macroevolutionary patterns, and macroevolutionary changes can also influence the direction and rate of microevolutionary processes.

Understanding the differences between microevolution and macroevolution is important for studying the history and diversity of life on Earth, as well as for predicting how species may respond to future environmental changes.

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