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What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two parents, while asexual reproduction involves only one parent.

Sexual reproduction is the process by which offspring are produced through the fusion of gametes from two parents. This process involves the formation of haploid gametes through meiosis, which then combine during fertilisation to form a diploid zygote. Sexual reproduction results in genetic diversity, as the offspring inherit a unique combination of genes from both parents.

In contrast, asexual reproduction involves the production of offspring from a single parent without the involvement of gametes. This can occur through various methods such as budding, fragmentation, or parthenogenesis. Asexual reproduction results in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent, as there is no exchange of genetic material.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both sexual and asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction allows for genetic diversity, which can increase the chances of survival in changing environments and reduce the risk of genetic diseases. However, it requires the production of gametes and the search for a suitable mate, which can be time-consuming and energetically costly. Asexual reproduction, on the other hand, is efficient and requires less energy, but can lead to a lack of genetic diversity and increased susceptibility to environmental changes.

Overall, sexual and asexual reproduction are two distinct methods of reproduction with their own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of which method to use depends on various factors such as the environment, resources, and reproductive success.

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