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What is the role of citizen science in biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability?

Citizen science plays a crucial role in biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability.

Citizen science involves the participation of non-professional scientists in scientific research. This approach has been used to collect data on various aspects of biodiversity, including species distribution, population size, and habitat quality. By involving citizens in data collection, scientists are able to gather more data than they would be able to alone, and this data can be used to inform conservation efforts.

Citizen science also promotes environmental sustainability by increasing public awareness and engagement. By participating in citizen science projects, individuals become more connected to their local environment and are more likely to take action to protect it. Additionally, citizen science can be used to monitor the impact of human activities on the environment, such as pollution or climate change, and to identify areas where action is needed.

Overall, citizen science is a valuable tool for biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability. By involving citizens in scientific research, we can gather more data, increase public engagement, and take action to protect our planet.

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