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Describe the differences between a strong and weak acid titration.

A strong acid titration involves a rapid pH change, while a weak acid titration has a gradual pH change.

During a strong acid titration, the pH changes rapidly from acidic to neutral as the strong acid is neutralized by the strong base. The equivalence point is reached quickly, and the pH at the equivalence point is 7. This type of titration requires a strong acid and a strong base, such as hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.

In contrast, a weak acid titration has a gradual pH change due to the weak acid's inability to completely dissociate in solution. The equivalence point is reached slowly, and the pH at the equivalence point is greater than 7 due to the presence of the conjugate base. This type of titration requires a weak acid and a strong base, such as acetic acid and sodium hydroxide.

The difference in pH change between strong and weak acid titrations is due to the difference in acid strength. Strong acids completely dissociate in solution, while weak acids only partially dissociate. This affects the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution, which in turn affects the pH change during titration. Understanding the differences between strong and weak acid titrations is important in determining the appropriate experimental conditions and interpreting the results accurately.

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