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Describe the differences between enols and enolates.

Enols are molecules that contain both a double bond and an alcohol functional group, while enolates are the anionic form of enols.

Enols are tautomers of carbonyl compounds, meaning they can exist in two forms that are in equilibrium with each other. In the enol form, the double bond is shifted to the adjacent carbon, creating a hydroxyl group on the original carbon. Enols are typically unstable and tend to convert back to the carbonyl form.

Enolates, on the other hand, are formed when an enol loses a proton to become negatively charged. This anionic form is much more stable than the neutral enol and can be used as a nucleophile in reactions. Enolates are often used in organic synthesis to form new carbon-carbon bonds.

Enols and enolates have different chemical properties due to their different structures. Enols are typically more reactive than carbonyl compounds due to the presence of the hydroxyl group, which can participate in hydrogen bonding and other reactions. Enolates, on the other hand, are even more reactive due to the negative charge, which makes them strong nucleophiles.

In summary, enols and enolates are related molecules that differ in their structures and chemical properties. Enols are unstable tautomers of carbonyl compounds, while enolates are the anionic form of enols that are much more stable and reactive.

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