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Describe the differences between the effect of common ions on the solubility of different ionic compounds.

The effect of common ions on the solubility of different ionic compounds varies depending on the specific compounds involved.

When a common ion is added to a solution containing an ionic compound, it can decrease the solubility of that compound. This is due to the common ion reducing the concentration of the ions in the solution, which then reduces the solubility product and causes the compound to precipitate out of the solution. For example, adding NaCl to a solution of AgCl will decrease the solubility of AgCl due to the common ion of Cl-.

However, in some cases, the addition of a common ion can actually increase the solubility of an ionic compound. This occurs when the common ion forms a complex ion with one of the ions in the compound, which then increases the solubility of the compound. For example, adding NH4+ to a solution of Cu(OH)2 will increase the solubility of Cu(OH)2 due to the formation of the complex ion Cu(NH3)42+.

Additionally, the effect of common ions on the solubility of ionic compounds can also depend on the relative concentrations of the ions in the solution. If the concentration of the common ion is much higher than the concentration of the ion in the compound, then the solubility of the compound will be greatly reduced. However, if the concentration of the common ion is only slightly higher than the concentration of the ion in the compound, then the effect on solubility may be negligible.

Overall, the effect of common ions on the solubility of ionic compounds is complex and depends on the specific compounds involved and their concentrations in the solution.

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