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Describe the differences between the effective and ineffective collision.

Effective collisions result in a reaction, while ineffective collisions do not.

Effective collisions occur when reactant molecules collide with sufficient energy and correct orientation to break and form new chemical bonds. In other words, the collision results in a successful reaction. The minimum energy required for a reaction to occur is called the activation energy. The higher the activation energy, the less likely an effective collision will occur. Effective collisions are essential for chemical reactions to take place and are influenced by factors such as temperature, concentration, and surface area.

Ineffective collisions occur when reactant molecules collide with insufficient energy or incorrect orientation, resulting in no reaction. These collisions do not contribute to the overall reaction rate and are therefore considered a waste of energy. Ineffective collisions can be caused by factors such as low temperature, low concentration, and insufficient surface area. Increasing the temperature, concentration, or surface area can increase the number of effective collisions and therefore increase the reaction rate.

A-Level Chemistry Tutor Summary: Effective collisions happen when reactants hit with enough energy and the right angle to create new bonds, leading to a reaction. This needs enough activation energy. Factors like temperature, concentration, and surface area can increase these effective hits. Ineffective collisions lack the needed energy or angle, causing no reaction. Boosting temperature, concentration, or surface area can turn more collisions into effective ones, raising the reaction rate.

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