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Describe the differences between the paramagnetic and diamagnetic transition metal complexes.

Paramagnetic transition metal complexes have unpaired electrons, while diamagnetic complexes have all electrons paired.

Paramagnetic transition metal complexes have unpaired electrons, which means they are attracted to a magnetic field and can be magnetized. This is due to the presence of one or more unpaired electrons in their d-orbitals. These complexes are often coloured, as the unpaired electrons can absorb light and become excited to higher energy levels. Examples of paramagnetic complexes include Fe2+ and Cu2+.

On the other hand, diamagnetic transition metal complexes have all of their electrons paired, which means they are not attracted to a magnetic field and cannot be magnetized. This is due to the pairing of electrons in their d-orbitals, which results in a net magnetic moment of zero. These complexes are often colourless, as they do not absorb light in the visible region. Examples of diamagnetic complexes include Zn2+ and Ni2+.

In summary, the main difference between paramagnetic and diamagnetic transition metal complexes is the presence or absence of unpaired electrons in their d-orbitals. This affects their magnetic properties and colour, making paramagnetic complexes attracted to magnetic fields and often coloured, while diamagnetic complexes are not attracted to magnetic fields and are often colourless.

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