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Describe the differences between the properties of alloys and pure metals.

Alloys have different properties to pure metals due to their composition and structure.

Alloys are mixtures of two or more metals, or a metal and a non-metal, that have been combined to create a new material with unique properties. The properties of alloys can differ significantly from those of pure metals due to their composition and structure. For example, alloys can be stronger, more durable, and more resistant to corrosion than pure metals. This is because the addition of other elements can change the crystal structure of the metal, making it more difficult for atoms to move and creating a stronger material.

Alloys can also have different melting points and densities compared to pure metals. For example, the melting point of an alloy can be lower than that of a pure metal, making it easier to work with and shape. In addition, alloys can have different electrical and thermal conductivity properties, depending on their composition. Some alloys are excellent conductors of electricity, while others are poor conductors.

Overall, the properties of alloys are determined by their composition and structure, which can be tailored to meet specific requirements for different applications. This makes alloys a versatile and important class of materials in modern technology and industry.

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