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Describe the differences between the reactivity and oxidation state of group 3 elements.

Group 3 elements have similar reactivity but different oxidation states.

Group 3 elements, also known as rare earth metals, include scandium, yttrium, and lanthanides. They have similar reactivity due to their valence electron configuration, which is two electrons in the outermost shell. This makes them highly electropositive and reactive with non-metals, such as oxygen and halogens.

However, the oxidation state of group 3 elements varies widely. Scandium has an oxidation state of +3, while yttrium can have oxidation states of +2 and +3. Lanthanides have a range of oxidation states, with the most common being +3, but some can have oxidation states of +2, +4, and +5. The variation in oxidation states is due to the different sizes and energies of the orbitals in each element, which affects the ability to lose or gain electrons.

The differences in oxidation states have important implications for the properties and uses of group 3 elements. For example, scandium is used in aluminium alloys to improve strength and corrosion resistance, while yttrium is used in superconductors and lasers. Lanthanides have a wide range of applications, including in magnets, catalysts, and lighting.

In summary, while group 3 elements have similar reactivity, their different oxidation states give them unique properties and uses. Understanding these differences is important for their applications in various industries.

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