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Provide an example of a carborane and a borane.

Example of a carborane and a borane

A carborane is a cluster of carbon, boron, and hydrogen atoms, while a borane is a compound consisting of boron and hydrogen atoms.

Carboranes are a class of compounds that have a unique three-dimensional structure and are used in a variety of applications, including as molecular building blocks for materials science and in medical imaging. One example of a carborane is 1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane, which has a cage-like structure consisting of 12 boron atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms, and two carbon atoms.

Boranes, on the other hand, are a group of compounds that are used as reducing agents and catalysts in organic chemistry. One example of a borane is borane dimethyl sulfide, which is used in the reduction of carbonyl compounds to alcohols. Boranes are highly reactive and can be dangerous to handle, but they are also valuable tools in synthetic chemistry.

In summary, carboranes and boranes are two types of compounds that contain boron and hydrogen atoms. While carboranes have a unique three-dimensional structure and are used in materials science and medical imaging, boranes are used as reducing agents and catalysts in organic chemistry.

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