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Provide an example of a thioester and an ester.

A thioester is a compound containing a sulfur atom bonded to a carbonyl group, while an ester is a compound containing a carbonyl group bonded to an oxygen atom.

Thioesters are important in biological systems, particularly in the metabolism of fatty acids. One example of a thioester is acetyl-CoA, which is involved in the citric acid cycle and the synthesis of fatty acids. Acetyl-CoA is formed from the reaction between CoA and acetyl chloride, and contains a thioester bond between the sulfur atom of CoA and the carbonyl group of acetyl.

Esters are also important in biological systems, and are commonly found in lipids such as triglycerides and phospholipids. One example of an ester is ethyl ethanoate, which is commonly used as a solvent and flavouring agent. Ethyl ethanoate is formed from the reaction between ethanol and ethanoic acid, and contains an ester bond between the carbonyl group of ethanoic acid and the oxygen atom of ethanol.

Overall, thioesters and esters are important classes of compounds with diverse biological and industrial applications.

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