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Provide an example of an effective and ineffective collision.

Effective collision: When two reactant molecules collide with enough energy and correct orientation to form a product.

An effective collision occurs when two reactant molecules collide with enough energy and correct orientation to form a product. This is because chemical reactions require a certain amount of energy, known as activation energy, to break the bonds of the reactants and form new bonds to create the product. If the collision does not have enough energy, the reactants will simply bounce off each other and no reaction will occur. Additionally, if the collision does not have the correct orientation, the reactants will not be able to form the necessary bonds to create the product.

An example of an effective collision is the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to form water. The hydrogen and oxygen molecules collide with enough energy and correct orientation to break the bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms and form new bonds to create water molecules.

Ineffective collision: When two reactant molecules collide with insufficient energy or incorrect orientation to form a product.

An ineffective collision occurs when two reactant molecules collide with insufficient energy or incorrect orientation to form a product. This can happen if the molecules collide with too little energy to overcome the activation energy required for the reaction, or if they collide with the wrong orientation and cannot form the necessary bonds.

An example of an ineffective collision is the reaction between hydrogen and nitrogen to form ammonia. The hydrogen and nitrogen molecules may collide with insufficient energy or incorrect orientation, preventing the necessary bonds from forming and preventing the reaction from occurring.

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