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Provide an example of the solubility and basicity of the alkaline earth metal hydroxides.

Alkaline earth metal hydroxides are soluble and basic.

Alkaline earth metal hydroxides are compounds formed by the reaction of an alkaline earth metal with water. These hydroxides are generally soluble in water, with the solubility increasing as the atomic number of the metal increases. For example, magnesium hydroxide is only slightly soluble in water, while barium hydroxide is highly soluble.

The solubility of alkaline earth metal hydroxides is due to their basic nature. When these hydroxides dissolve in water, they release hydroxide ions (OH-) which react with water molecules to form a basic solution. The basicity of these hydroxides increases as the atomic number of the metal increases, due to the increased polarizability of the metal ion.

The basicity of alkaline earth metal hydroxides makes them useful in a variety of applications. For example, calcium hydroxide (also known as slaked lime) is used in agriculture to neutralize acidic soils, and in construction to make mortar. Magnesium hydroxide is used as an antacid to neutralize stomach acid, while barium hydroxide is used in analytical chemistry to test for the presence of sulfates.

In summary, alkaline earth metal hydroxides are both soluble and basic, with their solubility and basicity increasing as the atomic number of the metal increases. Their basic nature makes them useful in a variety of applications, from agriculture to medicine to analytical chemistry.

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