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What is the first row transition metal and how does it relate to the periodic table?

The first row transition metal is scandium and it relates to the periodic table as a transition element.

Scandium is the first element in the first row of transition metals in the periodic table. It has an atomic number of 21 and is represented by the symbol Sc. Scandium is a silvery-white metal that is relatively soft and has a high melting point. It is a transition element, which means that it has partially filled d orbitals in its valence shell.

The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements, ordered by their atomic number, electron configurations, and chemical properties. The transition metals are located in the middle of the periodic table, between the alkali metals and the non-metals. They are characterised by their ability to form complex ions and compounds, and by their variable oxidation states.

Scandium is an important element in the electronics industry, where it is used in the manufacture of high-performance alloys and as a dopant in semiconductors. It is also used in the aerospace industry, where its high strength-to-weight ratio makes it an ideal material for aircraft components. Scandium has a number of other applications, including in sports equipment, such as bicycle frames and baseball bats, and in lighting, where it is used to produce high-intensity lamps.

In summary, scandium is the first row transition metal in the periodic table, and it is characterised by its partially filled d orbitals and its ability to form complex ions and compounds. It has a range of important applications in industry and technology.

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