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What are the common errors encountered during linking?

Common errors during linking include unresolved references, multiple definitions, incompatible object files, and incorrect library paths.

Unresolved references occur when the linker cannot find the definition of a referenced symbol. This usually happens when a function or variable is declared but not defined, or the definition is in a file or library that is not linked. For example, if you declare a function in a header file but forget to include the corresponding implementation file in the linking process, you will get an unresolved reference error.

Multiple definitions error is another common issue. This happens when a symbol is defined more than once. This could occur if you define a function or variable in a header file and then include that header file in multiple source files. To avoid this, you should only declare functions and variables in header files and define them in one source file.

Incompatible object files error occurs when you try to link object files that were compiled with different options or for different target architectures. For example, if you compile some files with debugging information and others without, or if you compile some files for a 32-bit architecture and others for a 64-bit architecture, the linker may not be able to combine them into a single executable.

Incorrect library paths error happens when the linker cannot find the libraries that your program depends on. This could be because the libraries are not installed, or because they are installed in a location that the linker is not looking in. You can usually fix this by installing the missing libraries, or by telling the linker where to find them.

In conclusion, linking errors can be tricky to diagnose and fix, because they involve the interaction of multiple files and libraries. However, by understanding the common types of linking errors and their causes, you can more easily troubleshoot and resolve these issues.

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