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How does the concept of marginal utility inform individual economic decisions?

Marginal utility informs individual economic decisions by indicating the additional satisfaction gained from consuming an extra unit of a good or service.

The concept of marginal utility is a fundamental principle in microeconomics, playing a crucial role in understanding consumer behaviour. It refers to the additional satisfaction or utility that a consumer derives from consuming an additional unit of a good or service. This concept is based on the law of diminishing marginal utility, which states that as a person increases consumption of a product, there is a decline in the marginal utility that person derives from consuming each additional unit of that product.

In terms of individual economic decisions, marginal utility helps consumers decide how to allocate their income in a way that maximises their overall satisfaction. For instance, if the marginal utility of consuming an extra slice of pizza is greater than the marginal utility of watching another hour of television, a rational consumer would choose to spend their money on the pizza. This decision-making process continues until the marginal utility per pound spent on each good or service is equalised, leading to an optimal allocation of income.

Moreover, marginal utility also influences the demand for goods and services. If the marginal utility of a good is high, consumers are likely to buy more of it, leading to an increase in demand. Conversely, if the marginal utility is low, demand for the good will decrease. This relationship between marginal utility and demand is crucial in price determination in markets.

In conclusion, the concept of marginal utility is a key tool in understanding and predicting consumer behaviour. It informs individual economic decisions by providing a measure of the additional satisfaction gained from consuming extra units of goods or services, thereby guiding consumers in their income allocation and consumption choices.

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