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Can you explain the concept of wave dispersion?

Wave dispersion is the phenomenon where waves of different frequencies travel at different speeds.

When a wave travels through a medium, it interacts with the particles of the medium. The interaction causes the wave to slow down, and the amount of slowing down depends on the frequency of the wave. Waves with higher frequencies interact more with the medium and slow down more than waves with lower frequencies. This causes the wave to spread out, or disperse, as it travels.

Dispersion is most noticeable in waves with a wide range of frequencies, such as white light. When white light passes through a prism, it separates into its component colours because each colour has a different frequency and therefore a different speed of travel through the prism.

Dispersion also plays a role in the behaviour of waves in different media. For example, sound waves travel faster in solids than in liquids because the particles in solids are closer together and interact more with the wave, causing higher frequency components to slow down less and reducing dispersion.

In some cases, dispersion can have negative effects, such as in fibre optic communication where dispersion can cause distortion of signals. However, dispersion can also be useful, such as in the design of lenses and prisms for optical instruments.

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