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How are isotopes used in radiography?

Isotopes are used in radiography to produce images of the internal structure of objects.

Radiography is a non-destructive testing method that uses X-rays or gamma rays to produce images of the internal structure of an object. Isotopes are used as sources of gamma rays in radiography. Gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate through materials and produce images of the internal structure of an object.

Isotopes such as cobalt-60 and iridium-192 are commonly used in radiography. These isotopes emit gamma rays with energies of around 1.17 and 1.33 MeV, respectively. The isotopes are usually encapsulated in a small metal container and placed on or near the object being tested. The gamma rays emitted by the isotopes penetrate through the object and are detected on the other side by a film or a digital detector.

The amount of gamma radiation that passes through the object depends on the density and thickness of the material. Areas of the object that are denser or thicker will absorb more gamma radiation and appear darker on the radiograph. Areas that are less dense or thinner will absorb less gamma radiation and appear lighter on the radiograph.

Radiography is used in a variety of applications, including industrial testing, medical imaging, and security screening. Isotopes are a safe and effective source of gamma radiation for radiography, but they must be handled and stored properly to ensure the safety of workers and the public.

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