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How are radioactive materials safely disposed of?

Radioactive materials are safely disposed of through various methods, including burial, storage, and reprocessing.

Burial involves placing radioactive waste in a secure location deep underground, where it is isolated from the environment. This method is used for low-level waste, such as contaminated clothing and tools. The waste is placed in a container, which is then placed in a concrete vault, surrounded by layers of soil and rock.

Storage involves keeping radioactive waste in a secure location until it decays to a safe level. This method is used for high-level waste, such as spent nuclear fuel. The waste is stored in specially designed containers, which are kept in secure facilities, such as nuclear power plants or government-run repositories.

Reprocessing involves extracting useful materials from radioactive waste, such as plutonium and uranium. This method is used for spent nuclear fuel, which still contains valuable materials that can be reused. The process involves dissolving the waste in acid, separating the useful materials, and disposing of the remaining waste.

Overall, the safe disposal of radioactive materials is a complex process that requires careful planning and management. It is important to ensure that these materials are isolated from the environment and do not pose a threat to public health and safety.

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