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How are radioactive wastes managed?

Radioactive wastes are managed through a combination of methods, including storage, treatment, and disposal.

Radioactive wastes are produced from a variety of sources, including nuclear power plants, medical facilities, and industrial processes. These wastes can pose a significant risk to human health and the environment, and must be managed carefully to minimize these risks.

One common method of managing radioactive wastes is through storage. This involves isolating the waste in a secure location, such as a specially designed facility or underground repository. The waste is typically stored in containers that are designed to prevent leaks or other forms of contamination.

Another method of managing radioactive wastes is through treatment. This involves processing the waste to reduce its radioactivity or to convert it into a less hazardous form. Treatment methods include chemical processes, thermal treatment, and biological processes.

Finally, radioactive wastes can be disposed of through a variety of methods, including burial, incineration, and deep geological disposal. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of disposal method will depend on factors such as the type and quantity of waste, the location of the disposal site, and the potential risks to human health and the environment.

Overall, the management of radioactive wastes is a complex and ongoing process that requires careful planning, monitoring, and regulation to ensure the safety of both current and future generations.

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