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How do you calculate the work done by a force?

To calculate the work done by a force, you need to multiply the force by the distance moved.

Work is defined as the energy transferred when a force acts on an object and causes it to move. The formula for work is W = F x d, where W is work, F is the force applied, and d is the distance moved in the direction of the force. The unit of work is joules (J).

It is important to note that work is only done when the force and the displacement are in the same direction. If the force is perpendicular to the displacement, no work is done. If the force is in the opposite direction to the displacement, the work done is negative, indicating that energy has been taken away from the object.

In some cases, the force may vary over the distance moved. In these cases, the work done can be calculated by breaking the distance into small intervals and multiplying the force at each interval by the distance moved at that interval. The total work done is the sum of the work done at each interval.

In summary, to calculate the work done by a force, you need to multiply the force by the distance moved in the direction of the force. The formula for work is W = F x d, and the unit of work is joules (J).

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