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How do you use Charles' Law to solve problems involving gases?

To use Charles' Law to solve problems involving gases, you must understand the relationship between temperature and volume.

Charles' Law states that at a constant pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature in Kelvin. This means that as the temperature of a gas increases, its volume will also increase, and vice versa.

To solve problems using Charles' Law, you must first identify the variables given in the problem, such as the initial volume and temperature, and the final volume or temperature. Then, you can use the formula V1/T1 = V2/T2 to calculate the missing variable.

For example, if a gas has an initial volume of 2 L at a temperature of 273 K, and is heated to a temperature of 373 K, what will be its new volume? Using Charles' Law, we can set up the equation:

V1/T1 = V2/T2
2/273 = V2/373

Solving for V2, we get:

V2 = (2/273) x 373
V2 = 2.73 L

Therefore, the new volume of the gas at 373 K is 2.73 L.

In summary, to use Charles' Law to solve problems involving gases, you must understand the relationship between temperature and volume, identify the given variables, and use the formula V1/T1 = V2/T2 to calculate the missing variable.

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