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How does fluid flow affect pressure?

Fluid flow affects pressure by changing the velocity and direction of the fluid.

When a fluid flows through a pipe or channel, it experiences a change in velocity and direction. This change in motion causes a corresponding change in pressure. According to Bernoulli's principle, as the velocity of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases. This means that in areas where the fluid is flowing quickly, the pressure will be lower than in areas where the fluid is flowing slowly.

In addition to velocity, the direction of fluid flow also affects pressure. When a fluid flows around a curved surface, it experiences a force called the centripetal force. This force causes the fluid to move towards the centre of the curve, which results in a decrease in pressure on the outside of the curve and an increase in pressure on the inside of the curve.

Fluid flow can also create areas of low pressure, known as vortices. These vortices can be seen in the wake behind a moving object, such as a boat or an airplane. The low pressure in these vortices can cause instability and turbulence, which can be dangerous for vehicles travelling through them.

Overall, fluid flow has a significant impact on pressure, and understanding this relationship is crucial for many applications, including fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, and hydraulic systems.

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