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How does MRI contrast agent enhance the image quality?

MRI contrast agents enhance image quality by increasing the contrast between different tissues.

MRI contrast agents are substances that are injected into the body to improve the visibility of certain tissues during an MRI scan. They work by altering the magnetic properties of the tissues they are targeting, which makes them appear brighter or darker on the resulting image. This helps to distinguish between different types of tissue that may otherwise look similar on an MRI scan.

There are two main types of MRI contrast agents: gadolinium-based agents and iron oxide-based agents. Gadolinium-based agents are the most commonly used and work by shortening the relaxation time of nearby water molecules, which makes the targeted tissue appear brighter on the MRI scan. Iron oxide-based agents work by altering the magnetic susceptibility of the targeted tissue, which makes it appear darker on the scan.

MRI contrast agents are particularly useful for imaging soft tissues, such as the brain, liver, and kidneys, where it can be difficult to distinguish between different types of tissue. They can also be used to detect tumours, inflammation, and other abnormalities that may be difficult to see on a standard MRI scan.

Overall, MRI contrast agents play an important role in improving the accuracy and reliability of MRI scans, which can help to facilitate earlier diagnosis and more effective treatment of a wide range of medical conditions.

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