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How is fluid flow affected by pipe diameter?

Fluid flow is affected by pipe diameter as it determines the velocity and pressure of the fluid.

The diameter of a pipe plays a crucial role in determining the velocity and pressure of the fluid flowing through it. The velocity of the fluid is directly proportional to the diameter of the pipe, which means that a larger diameter pipe will allow the fluid to flow at a higher velocity. This is because a larger diameter pipe provides more space for the fluid to flow through, reducing the resistance to flow.

The pressure of the fluid is inversely proportional to the diameter of the pipe. This means that a larger diameter pipe will result in a lower pressure of the fluid, while a smaller diameter pipe will result in a higher pressure. This is because the fluid has to flow through a smaller area in a smaller diameter pipe, resulting in a higher resistance to flow and therefore a higher pressure.

It is important to note that the relationship between pipe diameter, velocity and pressure is not linear and is affected by other factors such as the viscosity of the fluid and the roughness of the pipe surface. Therefore, it is important to analyse the specific conditions of a fluid flow system to determine the optimal pipe diameter for efficient and effective fluid flow.

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