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How is resistance measured in a circuit?

Resistance is measured in a circuit using a multimeter or an ohmmeter.

To measure resistance, the circuit must be turned off and disconnected from any power source. The multimeter or ohmmeter is then set to the resistance mode. The probes of the meter are connected to the circuit, with the black probe connected to the negative side and the red probe connected to the positive side. If the circuit has a resistor, the meter will display the resistance value in ohms. If the circuit does not have a resistor, the meter will display an open circuit or infinite resistance.

It is important to note that the resistance measurement may not be accurate if the circuit has other components, such as capacitors or inductors, that can affect the measurement. In this case, the circuit may need to be modified or a more advanced measurement technique may be required.

Resistance can also be calculated using Ohm's Law, which states that resistance is equal to voltage divided by current. This can be useful in determining the resistance of a specific component in a circuit.

Overall, measuring resistance is an important part of circuit analysis and can provide valuable information about the behavior of a circuit.

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