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What are the conservation laws in particle physics?

Conservation laws in particle physics include conservation of energy, momentum, angular momentum, and electric charge.

Conservation laws are fundamental principles in physics that state that certain quantities remain constant in a closed system. In particle physics, the conservation of energy is a crucial law, as particles can be created and destroyed, but the total energy in a system must remain constant. Similarly, the conservation of momentum states that the total momentum in a system must remain constant, even if individual particles change direction or speed.

The conservation of angular momentum is also important in particle physics, as particles can spin and have angular momentum. This law states that the total angular momentum in a system must remain constant, even if particles change their spin or orientation.

Finally, the conservation of electric charge is a fundamental law in particle physics, as particles can have positive or negative charges. This law states that the total electric charge in a system must remain constant, even if particles are created or destroyed.

Overall, conservation laws are essential in particle physics, as they provide a framework for understanding the behavior of particles and the interactions between them. By analyzing these laws, physicists can make predictions about the behavior of particles and test their theories through experiments.

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