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What is diffusion tensor imaging in MRI?

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a type of MRI that measures the movement of water molecules in the brain.

DTI is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses MRI to measure the diffusion of water molecules in the brain's white matter. The white matter contains axons, which are the long, thin fibers that transmit signals between different parts of the brain. DTI can provide information about the integrity and organization of these axons, which can be useful in studying brain development, injury, and disease.

DTI works by applying a magnetic field gradient to the brain, which causes water molecules to move in a particular direction. The movement of water molecules is then measured using MRI, and the data is used to create a map of the brain's white matter. This map can show the direction and strength of water diffusion, which can be used to infer the orientation and organization of axons.

DTI has many applications in neuroscience, including the study of brain development, aging, and disease. For example, DTI can be used to study the effects of traumatic brain injury, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. DTI can also be used to study the effects of drugs and other interventions on the brain's white matter.

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