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What is the cosmic web and its significance in cosmology?

The cosmic web is a large-scale structure of interconnected filaments of galaxies and dark matter.

Cosmologists use the cosmic web to study the distribution of matter in the universe. The web is made up of long, thin filaments of gas and dark matter, which stretch across vast distances and connect clusters of galaxies. These filaments act as highways for the flow of matter and energy, shaping the evolution of galaxies and the universe as a whole.

The cosmic web is also significant in understanding the formation of galaxies. The filaments of the web provide the gravitational scaffolding for galaxies to form and grow. As gas and dust accumulate in the filaments, they can collapse under their own gravity, forming stars and eventually entire galaxies.

Studying the cosmic web has also shed light on the nature of dark matter, which makes up the majority of matter in the universe. The web's structure and evolution can only be explained by the presence of dark matter, which interacts only through gravity and does not emit or absorb light.

Overall, the cosmic web is a crucial tool for cosmologists to understand the structure and evolution of the universe, as well as the mysterious nature of dark matter.

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