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What is wave wavelength?

The wavelength of a wave is the distance between two consecutive points on the wave that are in phase.

In physics, a wave is a disturbance that travels through space and time, accompanied by a transfer of energy. Waves can be classified into two types: transverse and longitudinal. In a transverse wave, the displacement of the medium is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave. In a longitudinal wave, the displacement of the medium is parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave.

The wavelength of a wave is the distance between two consecutive points on the wave that are in phase. In other words, it is the distance between two points that are at the same point in their cycle. For example, in a transverse wave, it is the distance between two consecutive crests or two consecutive troughs. In a longitudinal wave, it is the distance between two consecutive compressions or two consecutive rarefactions.

The wavelength of a wave is related to its frequency and speed. The frequency of a wave is the number of complete cycles that pass a given point in one second. The speed of a wave is the distance it travels in one second. The wavelength is given by the formula: wavelength = speed/frequency. This means that if the frequency of a wave increases, its wavelength decreases, and vice versa. Similarly, if the speed of a wave increases, its wavelength increases, and vice versa.

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