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How do objectives differ between start-ups and established corporations?

Start-ups primarily focus on growth and survival, while established corporations aim for stability and profitability.

Start-ups are typically characterised by their innovative ideas, agility and a strong focus on rapid growth. Their primary objective is to establish a foothold in the market, which often involves prioritising customer acquisition and product development over immediate profitability. Start-ups often operate in a state of uncertainty, with limited resources and high levels of risk. Therefore, their objectives are often centred around securing funding, achieving product-market fit, and scaling their operations. They may also aim to disrupt existing markets or create entirely new ones, which requires a high degree of innovation and adaptability.

On the other hand, established corporations have already secured their market position and have a stable customer base. Their objectives are typically centred around maintaining their market share, increasing profitability, and ensuring long-term sustainability. They often have the resources to invest in research and development, and can focus on improving their products or services, expanding into new markets, or acquiring other businesses to increase their market share. Established corporations also have a responsibility to their shareholders, and therefore need to focus on delivering consistent returns on investment.

However, it's important to note that these objectives are not mutually exclusive. Start-ups may need to focus on profitability in order to secure funding, while established corporations may need to innovate in order to stay competitive. The key difference lies in the balance of these objectives. Start-ups are more likely to prioritise growth and innovation, while established corporations are more likely to prioritise stability and profitability.

In conclusion, while both start-ups and established corporations share common objectives such as growth, profitability, and innovation, the emphasis placed on each of these objectives can vary significantly depending on the stage of the business. Understanding these differences can help business management students to better understand the challenges and opportunities faced by businesses at different stages of their lifecycle.

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