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What are the primary functions of human resource management (HRM)?

The primary functions of human resource management (HRM) are recruitment, training and development, performance management, and employee relations.

Human resource management is a crucial part of any organisation, responsible for managing the most valuable asset of a company: its people. The first primary function of HRM is recruitment. This involves attracting, screening, selecting and onboarding qualified individuals for a job. The HR department is responsible for creating job descriptions, advertising vacancies, conducting interviews and making hiring decisions. They also handle the onboarding process, ensuring new employees are properly introduced to the company and its culture.

The second function is training and development. HRM is responsible for identifying the skills and knowledge that employees need to perform their jobs effectively and then providing the necessary training. This could involve on-the-job training, mentoring programmes, workshops or professional development courses. HRM also plays a key role in career development, helping employees to plan their career paths and providing opportunities for advancement within the company.

Performance management is another key function of HRM. This involves setting performance standards, conducting performance reviews, providing feedback and managing underperformance. The goal of performance management is to ensure that employees are meeting their performance objectives and contributing to the overall success of the company. HRM uses performance management systems to track and evaluate employee performance, and to identify areas where additional training or support may be needed.

Finally, HRM is responsible for managing employee relations. This includes handling issues such as workplace conflict, grievances, disciplinary procedures and redundancies. HRM also plays a key role in promoting a positive workplace culture, ensuring that employees feel valued and engaged. They may also be involved in negotiating employment contracts and managing employee benefits.

In summary, the primary functions of human resource management are to recruit and onboard new employees, provide training and development opportunities, manage performance and handle employee relations. These functions are all aimed at ensuring that the company has a skilled, motivated and engaged workforce.

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