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Primary stakeholders in a business are typically its owners, employees, and customers, while secondary stakeholders may include suppliers, creditors, and the local community.
In a business context, stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest in the success or failure of a company. They can be categorised into primary and secondary stakeholders based on their direct or indirect involvement with the business.
Primary stakeholders, also known as direct stakeholders, are those who have a direct relationship with the business and are often involved in its day-to-day operations. This group typically includes the owners or shareholders who have invested capital into the business, the employees who work for the business, and the customers who purchase its products or services. These stakeholders have a significant interest in the business as its performance directly affects their financial wellbeing or satisfaction.
Owners or shareholders, for instance, are interested in the profitability of the business as it affects their return on investment. Employees, on the other hand, are concerned with the stability and growth of the business as it impacts their job security and potential for career advancement. Customers are interested in the quality and price of the products or services offered by the business as it affects their satisfaction and value for money.
Secondary stakeholders, also known as indirect stakeholders, are those who have an indirect relationship with the business. They are not involved in the daily operations of the business but are affected by its activities. This group may include suppliers who provide the business with goods or services, creditors who have lent money to the business, and the local community where the business operates.
Suppliers, for example, are interested in the business's ability to pay for goods or services provided. Creditors are concerned with the business's financial stability as it affects their ability to recover their loans. The local community may be interested in the business's activities as it can impact the local economy, employment opportunities, and environment.
In summary, both primary and secondary stakeholders play crucial roles in a business. Understanding their interests and concerns can help a business to manage its relationships effectively and achieve its objectives.
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