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How do mesh networks improve wireless coverage?

Mesh networks improve wireless coverage by allowing data to hop from one device to another, extending the network's range.

Mesh networks are a type of network topology where each node (or device) is connected to several others. This creates a web-like structure, or 'mesh', that allows data to take multiple paths to reach its destination. This is a significant improvement over traditional wireless networks, which typically rely on a single router to transmit data to all devices.

The primary way mesh networks improve wireless coverage is through this ability to 'hop' from one device to another. If a device is out of range of the main router, it can still receive data by connecting to another device that is within range. This effectively extends the network's range, allowing it to cover larger areas and reach devices that would otherwise be out of reach.

In addition to extending the network's range, mesh networks also improve wireless coverage by providing redundancy. If one device fails or loses its connection, the network can automatically reroute data through other devices. This ensures that the network remains operational even when individual devices fail, providing a more reliable and robust wireless coverage.

Furthermore, mesh networks are highly scalable. Adding new devices to the network is straightforward, as each new device simply becomes another node in the mesh. This makes it easy to expand the network's coverage as needed, without requiring significant infrastructure changes.

Finally, mesh networks can also improve wireless coverage by reducing interference. In traditional wireless networks, all devices must compete for bandwidth from the single router, which can lead to interference and reduced performance. In a mesh network, however, data can take multiple paths to its destination, reducing the load on any single device and minimising interference.

In summary, mesh networks improve wireless coverage by extending the network's range, providing redundancy, being highly scalable, and reducing interference. This makes them an effective solution for providing robust and reliable wireless coverage over large areas.

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