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How do you measure the success of a system testing phase?

The success of a system testing phase is measured by the number of identified and resolved defects, and the system's overall performance.

System testing is a crucial phase in the software development lifecycle. It involves testing the entire system to ensure that it meets the specified requirements and behaves as expected in the real-world operating environment. The success of this phase is primarily determined by how effectively it identifies and resolves defects, and how well the system performs under various conditions.

One of the key metrics for measuring the success of system testing is the number of defects identified. This includes both functional and non-functional defects. Functional defects are issues that prevent the system from performing its intended functions, while non-functional defects are problems with the system's performance, usability, security, etc. The more defects identified and resolved during system testing, the higher the quality of the system, and the more successful the testing phase is considered to be.

Another important metric is the system's performance. This includes factors such as the system's speed, reliability, and stability under different loads and conditions. Performance testing is a part of system testing and is used to determine how the system behaves under normal and peak loads, how quickly it responds to user inputs, how stable it is over time, etc. If the system performs well in these tests, it indicates that the system testing phase has been successful.

Additionally, the success of system testing can also be measured by how well the system meets the specified requirements. This involves comparing the system's actual behaviour with the expected behaviour as defined in the requirements specification. If the system behaves as expected and meets all the specified requirements, it indicates that the system testing phase has been successful.

In conclusion, the success of a system testing phase is not determined by a single factor, but by a combination of factors including the number of defects identified and resolved, the system's performance, and how well it meets the specified requirements. These metrics provide a comprehensive view of the system's quality and readiness for deployment.

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