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What are the components of a WLAN?

The components of a WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) include wireless clients, access points, and a network infrastructure with Ethernet connectivity.

A WLAN, or Wireless Local Area Network, is a type of local area network that uses high-frequency radio waves rather than wires to communicate and transmit data. It is a flexible data communication system implemented as an extension to, or as an alternative for, a wired LAN.

The first component of a WLAN is the wireless clients, which are the devices that access the network wirelessly. These can be anything from laptops, smartphones, tablets, to desktop computers with a wireless network interface card (NIC). The wireless NIC enables the device to connect to the network without the need for a physical, wired connection.

The second component is the access points (APs). These are the devices that broadcast the wireless signal and handle traffic between the wireless clients and the rest of the network. Access points are typically connected to the wired network infrastructure via Ethernet cables. They act as a bridge between the wired and wireless network, allowing wireless clients to communicate with each other and with wired devices on the network.

The third component is the network infrastructure with Ethernet connectivity. This includes the wired devices and cabling that connect the network together. The infrastructure typically includes devices such as routers, switches, and servers. The router is responsible for directing traffic between networks, while switches allow devices within the same network to communicate with each other. Servers provide various services to the network, such as file storage or email.

In addition to these, a WLAN may also include a wireless controller. This is a device that manages multiple access points, ensuring they work together to provide coverage over a large area. The controller can also handle tasks such as load balancing and security measures, making it easier to manage the network.

In summary, a WLAN is made up of wireless clients, access points, and a network infrastructure with Ethernet connectivity. These components work together to provide a flexible and convenient way to access network resources without the need for physical, wired connections.

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