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What is the difference between an ideal machine and a real machine?

An ideal machine is a theoretical concept that operates without any energy loss, while a real machine experiences energy loss due to friction and other factors.

In theory, an ideal machine is a device that can perform work without any energy loss. This means that all the energy put into the machine is converted into useful work output. However, in reality, no machine can be completely ideal. Real machines experience energy loss due to friction, air resistance, and other factors. This means that some of the energy put into the machine is wasted and converted into heat or other forms of energy that are not useful for performing work.

The efficiency of a machine is a measure of how much useful work it can perform compared to the amount of energy put into it. An ideal machine would have an efficiency of 100%, meaning that all the energy put into it is converted into useful work output. However, real machines have efficiencies that are less than 100% due to energy loss. The efficiency of a real machine can be calculated using the following formula:

Efficiency = (useful work output / energy input) x 100%

For example, if a machine requires 1000 Joules of energy input to perform 800 Joules of useful work output, its efficiency would be:

Efficiency = (800 / 1000) x 100% = 80%

In conclusion, while an ideal machine is a theoretical concept that operates without any energy loss, real machines experience energy loss due to friction and other factors, resulting in efficiencies that are less than 100%.

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