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Discuss Piaget's theory of moral development.

Piaget's theory of moral development proposes that children develop moral reasoning through cognitive development.

Piaget believed that children progress through four stages of cognitive development, each with its own level of moral reasoning. The first stage, the sensorimotor stage, occurs from birth to around two years old. Children in this stage have no moral reasoning and cannot distinguish right from wrong.

The second stage, the preoperational stage, occurs from two to seven years old. Children in this stage have a limited understanding of morality and view rules as fixed and unchangeable. They also tend to base their moral judgments on the consequences of actions rather than intentions.

The third stage, the concrete operational stage, occurs from seven to twelve years old. Children in this stage begin to understand that rules can be changed through mutual agreement and that intentions are important in moral judgments. However, their moral reasoning is still based on concrete, observable actions.

The fourth and final stage, the formal operational stage, occurs from twelve years old and beyond. Children in this stage have fully developed moral reasoning and can understand abstract concepts such as justice and fairness. They also begin to understand that moral rules are not absolute and can be changed through rational discussion.

Overall, Piaget's theory suggests that moral development is closely linked to cognitive development and that children progress through distinct stages of moral reasoning.

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