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Discuss the Comparison Level for Alternatives model of romantic relationships.

The Comparison Level for Alternatives model suggests that people stay in relationships when the benefits outweigh the costs.

According to this model, individuals evaluate their current relationship based on their Comparison Level (CL), which is their expectation of what they deserve in a relationship. If the benefits of the relationship exceed their CL, they are more likely to stay in the relationship. On the other hand, if the costs outweigh the benefits, they are more likely to leave.

In addition to CL, individuals also consider their Comparison Level for Alternatives (CLalt), which is their expectation of what they could get in a different relationship. If their CLalt is lower than their CL, they are less likely to leave their current relationship. However, if their CLalt is higher than their CL, they are more likely to leave and seek a better relationship.

The CLalt model also suggests that individuals are more likely to stay in a relationship if they have invested a lot of time and effort into it, even if the costs outweigh the benefits. This is known as the Investment Model, which suggests that commitment is a key factor in maintaining relationships.

Overall, the CLalt model provides a useful framework for understanding why individuals choose to stay in or leave relationships. It highlights the importance of considering both the benefits and costs of a relationship, as well as the potential alternatives.

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