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Discuss the Compatibility Theory of romantic relationships.

The Compatibility Theory suggests that a successful romantic relationship is based on shared values, interests and personality traits.

According to the Compatibility Theory, individuals who share similar values, interests and personality traits are more likely to have a successful romantic relationship. This is because they are more likely to have a deeper understanding of each other, communicate more effectively and have a greater sense of compatibility.

Shared values refer to the beliefs and principles that individuals hold dear. For example, if both partners value honesty and loyalty, they are more likely to have a successful relationship. Shared interests refer to the activities and hobbies that individuals enjoy doing together. For example, if both partners enjoy travelling, they are more likely to have a successful relationship.

Personality traits refer to the unique characteristics that individuals possess. For example, if both partners are introverted, they are more likely to understand each other's need for alone time and have a successful relationship. However, it is important to note that individuals do not have to have identical personalities to have a successful relationship.

Overall, the Compatibility Theory suggests that individuals who share similar values, interests and personality traits are more likely to have a successful romantic relationship. However, it is important to remember that every relationship is unique and there are many factors that contribute to its success.

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