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Demand characteristics refer to the cues that participants pick up from a study that may influence their behaviour.
These cues can be explicit or implicit and may include the research setting, the instructions given, or the experimenter's behaviour. Participants may alter their behaviour to conform to what they believe is expected of them, rather than their true attitudes or beliefs. This can lead to demand characteristics affecting the validity of the research.
Demand characteristics can be minimised by using a double-blind procedure, where neither the participant nor the experimenter knows the true purpose of the study. Researchers can also use deception to reduce demand characteristics, although this raises ethical concerns.
Furthermore, researchers can use a cover story, which is a plausible explanation for the study that does not reveal the true purpose. This can help to reduce demand characteristics by making the participants less aware of the true nature of the study.
In conclusion, demand characteristics can significantly affect the validity of research findings. Researchers must be aware of the potential for demand characteristics and take steps to minimise their impact on the study. By doing so, they can ensure that their research accurately reflects the attitudes and behaviours of the participants, rather than being influenced by extraneous factors.
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