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Discuss the Interpersonal Theory of romantic relationships.

The Interpersonal Theory suggests that romantic relationships are based on mutual exchange of rewards.

According to the Interpersonal Theory, romantic relationships are formed when two individuals find each other attractive and believe that the other person can provide them with rewards. Rewards can be anything from companionship, emotional support, physical intimacy, or material possessions. The theory suggests that the more rewards a person receives from their partner, the more satisfied they will be in the relationship.

The theory also proposes that there are three main components to a romantic relationship: intimacy, passion, and commitment. Intimacy refers to the emotional connection between partners, passion refers to the physical attraction and sexual desire, and commitment refers to the decision to stay in the relationship long-term.

However, the Interpersonal Theory also acknowledges that relationships are not always perfect and that conflicts can arise. When conflicts occur, the theory suggests that partners must engage in communication and negotiation to resolve the issues and maintain the relationship.

Overall, the Interpersonal Theory provides a useful framework for understanding the dynamics of romantic relationships. By recognising the importance of rewards, intimacy, passion, and commitment, individuals can work to build and maintain healthy and satisfying relationships.

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