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Discuss the role of communication in early social development.

Communication plays a crucial role in early social development, shaping an individual's ability to interact with others and form relationships.

From the moment a baby is born, they begin to communicate with the world around them. Crying, cooing, and babbling are all early forms of communication that signal to caregivers their needs and desires. As infants develop, they begin to understand and use language, which allows them to communicate more complex thoughts and emotions.

Through communication, children learn to navigate social situations and form relationships with peers and adults. They learn to take turns in conversation, read social cues, and express empathy. These skills are essential for developing healthy relationships and social bonds.

Communication also plays a role in cognitive development, as language helps children to organize their thoughts and understand the world around them. Through conversation, children learn about concepts like cause and effect, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

In conclusion, communication is a vital component of early social development, shaping an individual's ability to interact with others and form relationships. By developing language and communication skills, children learn to navigate social situations, form bonds with others, and understand the world around them.

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